Friday, December 17, 2010

Kick Me Sign Goes...

On this guy....

Relax everyone.  Mr McNair returned from an owner's meeting and they all patted him on the head. 

“The level of respect they have for our team and how close they think we are to having not just a good team but an outstanding team — it was nice to hear your peer group say that about you. It’s sort of an affirmation that we’re on the right track."
What? Sir, it has been 9 years.  And many of those owners have fired other coaches and gone to the playoffs since you hired Kubiak.  It is far time to be on the right track. It is time to be in the playoffs.  Just the first round. 

Stop being a Sunday school teacher and shake things up.  Throw a stapler at Kubiak during one of your weekly meetings.  Demand that he stop hiring people from Denver, or the sons of men he worked with, or the guy that made him a sandwich at that Subway once in Colorado Springs. 

This is just ass!